Josh's Adventures

Sunday, November 13, 2005


OOPS! the last month or so I haven't posted any thing, I kinda forgot OOPS!, any way this is an update I went back to Halifax and they took my cast off and didn't put one back on. The scar is almost invisible now but is a little red. When they took my cast off there was a strng hanging out from the stiches which I don't have to taken out because they are under my skin and will disssolve over time, at first I couldn't walk without my crutches. On Nov. 21st 2005 i will be going back to Halifax for a check up and will hopefully be able to start going back to gym. The kitten is doing fine and has to go to the vet this week for a shot don't know what for though? I will post some new pics. ASAP for you to see.

Today I started a fitness program for my self because It's going to be a long biking off season especially because I have to go for another opration in march and will throw me off my feet for some time, I am hopping that it will be around march break so I won't miss that much march break usally has crappy weather any way. For my opration in march I have to stay in the hospital for a week which will get so borring.

I can't wait for the new Harry Potter movie to come out It's year four finally and I hope it will be the best one yet.I might try and post a review of the movie.We are going on saturday!!
I am sorry for not posting for so long and will try to keep it up to date.


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